March 5, 2023

Martindale Dental Sponsors Milton Magic Boys Youth Soccer Club

We are very proud to support youth athletics in Milton with our sponsorship of the Milton Youth Soccer League 2015 team (Boys 10-11 years old).
March 5, 2023

National Dental Hygienists Week, April 5-11

Focusing on the importance of maintaining good oral health practices and helping Canadians understand the role and importance of the dental hygiene profession.
March 5, 2023

5 Steps To Good Oral Health

Keep reading to learn about the five key steps you need to take for a lifetime of good oral health.
March 5, 2023

5 Tips to Help Fend Off Dangerous Periodontal Disease

In this article you'll learn 5 great tips that will help you fend of the dangers of periodontal diseases.
March 5, 2023

8 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Fear of Dentists

In this article you'll learn 8 helpful tips that can help your child overcome their fear of visiting the dentist.
March 5, 2023

Future of Dentistry May Include 3-D Printing

A top provider of 3-D printing, Stratasys, recently developed a 3-D printing machine that could change the digital dentistry market.
March 4, 2023

6 Tips for Whiter Teeth

In this article you'll learn our 6 favourite tips for keeping your teeth white and healthy looking.