October 22, 2023
image of dentures with a cigarette dangling between the teeth as the featured image for our article on how to keep teeth white even if you smoke

How to keep teeth white even if you smoke

SHARE Smoking is widely acknowledged as detrimental to overall health, but its specific impact on oral health is often underestimated. From a dentist’s perspective, the consequences [ā€¦]
October 20, 2023
woman with a mouthguard in her hand can tell you how to stop grinding your teeth

How to stop grinding your teeth

SHARE The incessant sound and uncomfortable soreness of teeth grinding can be more than just a noisy disturbance; it can be a sign of a common [ā€¦]
October 5, 2023
woman showing of her clear aligners after being asked what are clear aligners

Clear aligners vs. braces: Which one is better?

SHARE Braces have long been a staple in orthodontic treatment, offering solutions to correct misaligned teeth and create beautiful smiles. The world of modern orthodontics offers [ā€¦]
October 2, 2023
couple in bed and the woman is looking at her man angrily because he's snoring due to his untreated sleep apnea

The Comprehensive Guide to Sleep Apnea: Beyond Noisy Slumber

Explore sleep apnea; its types, causes, symptoms, treatments, and implications. Understand why it's not just snoring and why it's crucial to address it promptly.
September 19, 2023
header image for a dentists guide to baby teeth

A dentist’s guide to baby teeth – Timeline & chart included

SHARE Baby teeth, also known as primary or deciduous teeth, play a vital role in a child’s early development. While they may be temporary, these tiny [ā€¦]
September 18, 2023
young woman posing in a model photoshoot and showing us how to smile for a photo

How to smile for a photo: 29 tips

Master the art of the perfect photo smile. Our article teaches you how to smile for a photo with 29 tips for a genuine and confident smile in every snapshot.
September 5, 2023
young girl in the dentists chair for her back to school checkup

Why Your Child Needs a Back-To-School Checkup

Thereā€™s lots of traditions and routines surrounding the first day of school but not many are as important and valuable as getting a dental checkup for your loved ones.
September 1, 2023
man doing a bicep curl after asking his dentist How long should you wait to exercise after tooth extraction?

How long should you wait to exercise after tooth extraction?

How long should you wait to exercise after tooth extraction? Find out the answers and protect your oral health with expert guidance. Learn more now!
August 10, 2023
young boy is at the dentist for his back to school dental checkup

How To Have a Successful Back To School Dental Checkup

Get your child ready for school with a dental checkup. Learn how to prepare and what to expect. Read 'How To Have a Successful Back To School Dental Checkup'.