Patient Care Blog

dental anesthesiologist is giving sedation dentistry to one of her patients

Sedation Dentistry – Wake Me When it’s Over

Does the thought of having your teeth cleaned make your entire body tense? Would you rather endure the agony of a toothache than step foot in a dentist’s office? You’re not alone.

a man shows his yellowed teeth which were caused by smoking cigarettes

Smoking and Oral Health

Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth. Keep readin g to learn more.

woman holds the ice cream bar that has caused her tooth sensitivity to flare up

What causes tooth sensitivity?

In this article you’ll learn about some of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity and what you can do to stop the pain.

The Benefits of a Good Cosmetic Dentist

Learn how a cosmetic dentist focuses on improving the look of your smile through a variety of procedures including veneers, fillings, teeth whitening, and dental implants

March 5, 2023
woman pointing to her amazing smile she got from a cosmetic dentist