Teeth Whitening in Hamilton

Brighten teeth, remove stains and enhance your smile’s appearance.

Restore your smile with professional teeth whitening at our Jackson Square Mall dentist office.

hygienist performing a teeth whitening on a patient in hamilton
older woman stands beside the dentist chair showing off her new whiter smile

Look great.

Be confident.

Teeth Whitening
in Hamilton

Brighten teeth, remove stains and enhance your smileā€™s appearance.

Restore your smile with professional teeth whitening at our Jackson Square Mall dentist office.

Look great.

Be confident.

hygienist performing a teeth whitening on a patient in hamilton
older woman stands beside the dentist chair showing off her new whiter smile

Stained and discoloured teeth are a problem that everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. As we age our teeth begin to become discoloured, leaving us with a smile that is less than sparkling. Drinking dark beverages like wine, coffee or sodas can also speed up the process adding surface stains to the natural darkening of your enamel. Luckily, taking care of your discoloured smile is now easier than ever with professional teeth whitening in Jackson Square Hamilton from Martindal Dental.

Professional teeth whitening is perhaps the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures in Canada, and one that provides quick and noticeable results. While there are many store bought or take-home kits available, we recommend a professional teeth whitening procedure for the best results. A professional whitening is also safer, involves less guesswork or hassle and provides much more effective results. If you look in the mirror and wish your smile was whiter and brighter, then give us a call or drop by our convenient Jackson Square cosmetic dentistry clinic location and weā€™ll be happy to discuss all your teeth whitening options with you.

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Am I a candidate for cosmetic teeth whitening ?

The first step in knowing if you are a candidate for our professional teeth whitening is to decide that you have stained or discoloured teeth and that you want to do something about it. Of course, a darkened smile and willpower arenā€™t the only considerations. Teeth whitening candidates should be:

  • Ā Free of tooth decay, tooth infections, gum disease and have a healthy oral care routine
  • Ā Unhappy with their smile when they look in the mirror
  • Ā Have the willpower to fix their smile and the dedication to maintain their results

Candidates who will benefit from a professional cosmetic teeth whitening procedure will have stains that can be resolved through topical bleaching. Heavily stained teeth, or those with intrinsic staining (often caused by use of antibiotics or fluorosis) may require additional procedures to have their smile restored. This is because intrinsic stains are deep in the enamel of the tooth and do not respond well to topical bleaching. As the surrounding enamel becomes whiter, the stains do not which will cause them to stand out even more. In this case we will discuss additional treatment options with you. These include:

  • Ā Porcelain veneers ā€“ these simple veneers are made to match the colour of your teeth (or a colour of your choosing) and are placed over the front of your teeth. Veneers are a great, non-invasive procedure to restore your deeply stained or cosmetically damaged smile.
  • Ā Dental bonding ā€“ made from a resin that is custom shaded and contoured to give your smile an ideal appearance. Dental bonding is fast, safe and effective when used to treat deep or intrinsic stains in your teeth.

We offer these services in conjunction with a professional teeth whitening process to give your smile a total makeover. Our experts ensure that all aesthetic and functional aspects of your smile are addressed during consultation and treatment. Our team ensures that you leave our office with a strong, healthy and attractive smile that youā€™ll be confident to show off. Your initial consultation will help us determine which options should be used to give you your best smile back.

The amazing benefits of our teeth whitening treatments in Hamilton

Your smile will be radiant

Even if you have the straightest and healthiest smile, youā€™re still not immune to staining or discolouration. Coffee, tea, wine, certain foods and smoking can dim the brightness of your smile over time and make you look older. Of course you could always use a photo filter to brighten your smile but why not go for the real thing? A simple professional cosmetic teeth whitening will provide an instantly noticeable difference and bring your smile back to its youthful shining self.

You’ll feel more confident

Itā€™s not just your photos that will be affected. Youā€™re entire demeanor and self-confidence will receive a boost when you know that your smile is shining as bright as can be. First date? Big presentation at work or important meeting? Give yourself the confidence to make it a success..

You will look and feel more attractive

Everyone loves a beautiful smile. Especially if that smile makes you look youthful and like you really take care of yourself. From potential love interests to anyone you meet on the street ā€“ a noticeably bright smile is charming and needs to be shown off.

Professional whitening won’t damage your teeth

The idea that professional teeth whitening damages your tooth enamel and causes tooth sensitivity is a misconception we get asked about every day. Your teeth become stained because the foods and drinks you consume stain your teeth. These stains donā€™t cause irreparable damage and neither does removing them through surface-level cosmetic whitening.

Whiter teeth promote a positive feeling

Looking good is a great way to help you feel good too. The same goes for smiling. Even when you donā€™t feel like it, smiling can subconsciously trick your mind into feeling happier. Having a nice bright smile to show off will give you just one more excuse to do so and can help usher in a positive outlook on life that will spread to everyone around you.

Our professional teeth whitening services work

In order to help our patients achieve a whiter smile, we use custom bleach splints. All our splints are custom fit and are ready to be filled with a bleaching agent. Once you receive your custom splints youā€™ll wear them for a few hours everyday and donā€™t need to worry about damaging existing dental work or the enamel of their teeth. Continue using the custom splints until the desired level of whiteness is achieved. Then occasionally use the splints to maintain the whiteness of your smile..

Itā€™s that simple! Dental bleaching is an easy and effective way to lighten surface stains and bring the brightness out in your smile. If your teeth are severely discoloured we may recommend dental crowns, veneers or dental bonding to augment the bleaching process. Schedule a consultation to find out the simplest and most effective way to enhance your smile.

Please contact our office for more information:

    Please contact our office for more information:

      Ready to restore
      your smile?

      Book your free consultation at our
      Jackson Square Mall location now.

      Ready to restore
      your smile?

      Book your free consultation at our
      Jackson Square Mall location now.