Intro to teeth whitening in Burlington

No matter how hard you try, stained teeth often become a part of life. There are many causes of tooth discolouration, such as food, coffee, wine, smoking or ageing and everyone experiences this cosmetic problem at some point in their lives. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to help prevent stains or to erase them and restore your smile with Martindale Dental’s Teeth Whitening in Burlington.

While there are many take-home kits available, nothing can whiten and brighten your smile like a professional tooth whitening. Professional teeth whitening is the most common procedure in North America when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, and for a good reason too! Everyone loves a bright, white smile and a professional whitening will deliver the best results – hands down! Let us show you how our teeth whitening packages will effectively deliver your dream smile – safer, easier and with more comfort and peace-of-mind. If you are not confident in your smile because your teeth are stained, stop hiding and consult with us about your teeth whitening options in Burlington.

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Am I a candidate for teeth whitening?

Are your teeth stained or discoloured? You may be a client for our professional teeth whitening packages in Burlington. However, stained teeth aren’t the only consideration.

To be a candidate for teeth whitening, you should be:

  • Free of tooth decay, gum disease and tooth infection
  • Unsatisfied with the appearance and colour of your smile
  • Willing and able to follow the steps to maintain your whitening results

Typical candidates for teeth whitening suffer from surface stains that can be removed with simple topical bleaching. Others with intrinsic stains caused by antibiotics and fluorosis may have a more difficult time achieving the smile they want. This is because topical bleaching may enhance the visibility of any stains as the enamel around the stain is whitened. This is why a consultation is necessary to determine your treatment program as well as the anticipated outcome.

Luckily there are additional options that will work for patients with intrinsic stains. These include:

Porcelain veneers – which will restore the bright and white appearance of cosmetically imperfect teeth by placing veneers on top of the front of affected teeth.

Dental bonding – is another treatment option that uses a molded and coloured (shaded) dental resin to give you an ideal appearance in a safe and effective manner.

The above services are often used together with a teeth whitening package to give you the perfect smile. Our consultations will outline your best treatment options, which may include some of these more involved cosmetic dentistry services. In the end, your smile will be strong, healthy and attractive – giving you the confidence to smile large, and smile often. All your concerns will be listened to and addressed during your consultation as we assess the state of your gums and teeth as we put together a plan to best protect your beautiful smile.

Benefits of our Burlington teeth whitening packages

Enhance your appearance

Even if your smile is healthy and straight, the whiteness of your teeth is not immune to the damaging effects of daily life. Consuming food or dark coloured beverages (coffee, tea, juices etc) will cause your teeth to becomes stained and discoloured over time. We all want that perfect, fashion model smile but are often stuck with a less than bright, stained smile. Well don’t stand for it anymore – consider a teeth whitening package to roll back the years and give you the whiter and brighter smile you deserve.

Boost your confidence

Knowing your smile can light up a room is often all it takes to help your self confidence go through the roof. At work or in a social setting – everyone will benefit from the confidence that knowing your smile is the best it can be. Smile like you mean it!

Boost your attractiveness

Not only will a brighter smile make you more confident, it will also make you more attractive. Research shows that whiter teeth are a direct indication of how well a person takes care of themselves and in turn, how attractive they are to potential love interests and more.

Teeth whitening is safe

The myth that whitening damages your teeth is just that – a myth. Professional teeth whitening procedures do not damage tooth enamel or increase tooth sensitivity. Just as the foods or drinks that have stained your teeth haven’t done any physical damage, the steps to reverse these effects (tooth whitening) won’t either. Teeth whitening works on the surface of your teeth and delivers cosmetic improvements without damage.

Boost your happiness

Nothing can boost your positivity like knowing you’re looking good. What’s the first step to looking good? Showing off a white, happy smile of course! Sometimes all it takes is a smile to change your mood and putting you on the road to happiness. If your smile is white and bright, you’ll want to show it off and that means smiling. After all, being positive begins with smiling more!

If you think you would benefit from a brighter smile, contact our teeth whitening professionals at Martindale Dental. We offer many affordable teeth whitening packages in Burlington and are happy to discuss any concerns and treatment options with you over the phone or in person. Get in touch with us.

How our teeth whitening treatments work

Our Martindale Dental teeth whitening specialists use custom fitted bleach splints to help you achieve a brighter smile. After a consultation to design your treatment program, you will be fit with custom splints that are filled with a safe but effective bleaching agent. These splints should be worn for a few hours each day, without the risk of damaging your tooth enamel or any existing dental work. Once the level of whiteness you desire has been achieved, simply stop using the bleach splints and enjoy your beautiful smile. You can then wear the splints occasionally for maintenance purposes to keep your smile as white as you like.

Severely discoloured teeth may not respond perfectly to bleaching, in which case you have a few options. Dental veneers, crowns or dental bonding can deliver the results that simple bleaching couldn’t. Our custom teeth whitening packages can reverse the years of damage done to the colour of your teeth, restoring the shine and beauty of your best smile.

Questions to ask your dentist about teeth whitening

How long does a teeth whitening treatment take?

How long do the results last?

How often should I have my teeth whitened?

Will I be able to eat and drink normally?

What is the best way to maintain the results of whitening my teeth?

How should I prepare for the whitening treatment?

What can I do about the immediate tooth sensitivity?

Are there follow-up appointments required?

Why you should choose in-office whitening over a take-home kit

Professional teeth whitening, performed by a licensed dentist, is generally considered to be a better option than at-home treatments for several reasons. Firstly, a professional dentist can customize the whitening treatment to meet the specific needs of the individual, ensuring that the treatment is effective and safe. Secondly, professional whitening products are typically stronger and more effective than over-the-counter treatments, meaning that patients can achieve better results in less time. Additionally, professional teeth whitening is performed in a controlled environment, ensuring that the procedure is done safely and with minimal risks. Finally, dentists can provide patients with advice on how to maintain their teeth whitening results and avoid any potential risks or side effects, which is not always the case with at-home treatments. Overall, while at-home treatments may be convenient and cost-effective, professional teeth whitening is a safer and more effective option for those seeking a brighter, more confident smile.

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    Please contact our office for more information: